Méthodologie de création de la BCT Library

The content of the BCT Library is coming from an analysis of the literature and examples drew from a heart diseases prevention applications and web sites benchmark. These applications or web sites aim for a change in users behaviors thanks to the use of behavior change techniques. Images are given as examples, the BCT can be used in other domains than health like marketing, business, and so on...
This methodology will be detailed in a publication, currently being submitted.

Sources : images of examples are from mobile applications : Runtastic, Stop-Alcool, Alcodroid, Quit Now, Nike+, Smoke Free, Kwit, Calorie counter, Pacer, Sworkit, MyFitnessPal, Stop Tabac, SmartAppetite, Decide2Quit, MyNetDiary, Seven, Heart Health, Soffer Vein, ASCVD Risk Estimator, Icare monitor.